About Us

The Nuwye Times is committed to providing fast and genuine news from India. Our team always strives to spread the truth and authenticity of the news. In this modern world, no one has time to read every news article, so keeping this in mind, our team writes news in easy language and gives accurate news information.
We have many news categories for readers. We provide Bollywood News, Celebrity News, Business & Finance News, Technology & Automobile News, Trending & Social Media News etc.

Founder : Nuwye Times

Mr. Viraj Mishra is the Founder and C.E.O. of Nuwye Times. He is a very genius man. He is well aware of the perception of the readers. So they guide us on how to deliver high-quality news to readers. He always encourages and influences us. He has a different kind of personality. He is a very nice person. He’s the man behind the whole Nuwye Times.